COVID-19 Resource Community

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  • 1.  Monoclonal antibodies under EUA

    Posted 12-06-2020 08:36 AM
    Our institution is actively considering the use of the monoclonal antibodies that have received emergency use authorization from the FDA (casirivimab+iimdevimab and/or bamlanivimab). While we have chosen not to plan use for the general population, we'd like to consider use for high-risk populations. Do any other institutions have such policies in place?

    Brandon Hayes-Lattin

    Brandon Hayes-Lattin MD
    Oregon Health & Science Univ
    Portland OR
    (503) 494-8534

  • 2.  RE: Monoclonal antibodies under EUA

    Posted 12-07-2020 05:56 AM
    Yes. We set up a pharmacy and therapeutics review specific for COVID-19 related therapies. We review data and develop access/use criteria. We adopted criteria for use in immunocompromised including solid organ and stem cell transplant.
    Dianna Howard

    Sent from my iPad

  • 3.  RE: Monoclonal antibodies under EUA

    Posted 12-09-2020 06:22 PM
    Would you be willing to share that work and criteria? We are struggling a bit to convince our center's leadership to pursue this. Thanks!

    Brandon Hayes-Lattin MD
    Oregon Health & Science Univ
    Portland OR
    (503) 494-8534

  • 4.  RE: Monoclonal antibodies under EUA

    Posted 12-10-2020 01:30 PM
    Hi Brandon,  email me at and I will share what we have.
    Dianna Howard

    Dianna Howard MD
    Director, SCTCT Program
    Wake Forest Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Clemmons NC