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July 2018: A Message from the President

By Kate Jacobson posted 07-09-2018 03:10 PM


This article is part of the July 2018 issue of ASBMT eNews. View the full issue in PDF format here.

A Word from ASBMT President, John F. DiPersio, M.D., Ph.D.

The nature of associations is to change. Change is a necessity in an advancing field like ours, but for an association, it’s needed to stay ahead of the curve, exceed expectations and carve new paths for their audience. The field of blood and marrow transplantation itself wouldn’t be around if it weren’t for change — changing technologies, research and innovation all led to the formation of this field and the initial group of clinicians and researchers that became the foundation for ASBMT.  

 We’ve seen a lot of positive change in our association this year. Some of the larger changes we’ve embarked upon include working with a new management company, refining the name of our flagship event (in partnership with CIBMTR) and, in case you missed it, our biggest change is that we have a new executive director!

For the past few months, ASBMT leadership has been conducting a nationwide search for our new executive director. Our management company, SmithBucklin, assisted in this endeavor, and after screening countless applicants, ASBMT leadership has selected Andre Williams as our new executive director, effective July 1. Andre has been involved in meetings and transition conversations throughout June leading up to his official start date. Andre has many years of experience in healthcare association management. The leadership team was very impressed with his knowledge and expertise in regards to leading a healthcare-centric association, and we are excited to officially start working with Andre. You can read more about his background in this issue of ASBMT eNews.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Janet Rapp, who has served as our interim executive director over the past few months, as she has been instrumental in ensuring a smooth transition between management companies and now our leadership transition. This transition could not have been successful without her help, and the ASBMT leadership is greatly appreciative of her efforts in the process.

 A heavier, and far more difficult, change our community is currently enduring is the recent passing of an important colleague, Dr. Michael Lill. He leaves behind his wife, Dr. Gay Crooks (a fellow ASBMT member and ex-officio board member) and his two children, Georgia and Alexander. He leaves an enormous legacy behind for the hematopoietic transplant community with 63 peer-reviewed publications and 27 book chapters, editorials and reviews in topics ranging from homeobox genes in hematopoiesis to cord blood transplants and treatment of heart disease with stem, just to name a few. Our close-knit community has lost a leader, mentor, physician and friend. Please join me in celebrating his life and achievements, as the field of hematopoietic transplant research would not be where it is today without the work of Dr. Lill. 

In many ways, life is always about change in some way. We are often called upon to deal with negative and positive changes in our lives and work every day. At ASBMT, in an effort to create a better society for our members and our community, our goal is to continually introduce positive change for the field of blood and marrow transplantation.

Sincerely, John F. DiPersio, M.D., Ph.D.

President, ASBMT

