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Travel Stipends for 'Infectious Disease in the Immunocompromised Host' Symposium

By User Admin posted 04-03-2017 11:00 PM


Symposium and travel stipend announcement 

Register now or submit a travel stipend application for Fred Hutch’s 2nd Symposium on Infectious Disease in the Immunocompromised Host taking place June 19-20 in Seattle, WA and featuring internationally renowned scholars discussing a broad range of topics including: vaccines, immunotherapy, fungal infections, the microbiome, respiratory viruses, and CMV.

Travel stipends are available to medical students, residents, fellows and especially trainees from diverse groups and communities. Travel Stipend Application deadline extended: April 21. Early Bird Registration Deadline: April 7.

Please go to the symposium website to view the program, register, or submit a travel stipend application:


